En ocasiones os podeis encontrar que no hay manera de hacer backups, migrar, clonar containers.
Cuando esto sucede generalmente se debe a un problema que existe en ciertas versiones que hace que la funciona checkpoint se degrade.
Cuando esto pasa al hacer un df -h dentro del container os encontrareis el vzfs montado mas veces de las que corresponderia.
Para verificar sin mas impacto que el problema que os afecta es este podeis hacer un:
Hecho esto va bien es que el problema que teneis es otro, si da error teneis el problema del que hablo. Ahora solo teneis que hacer un vzctl restart y el problema quedara resuelto
[root@hn5 ~]# vzmigrate –online -r no root@xxxxx 246101
root@xxxxxxx’s password:
Connection to destination node (root@xxxxxxx) is successfully established
Moving/copying CT#246101 -> CT#246101, [], [] …
Checking external bind mounts
Check cluster ID
Checking keep dir for private area copy
Checking SLM-only mode
Checking capabilities for online migration
Checking license restrictions
Checking technologies
Checking disk usage space
Checking templates for CT
copy ez template area directories
copy /vz/template/centos/5/x86_64
Checking caches
Checking IP addresses on destination node
Check target CT name: xxxxxxxx
Checking RATE parameters in config
Tracker started
Copy private area ‘/vz/private/246101’
OfflineManagement CT#246101 …
Suspending CT#246101 …
Dumping CT#246101 …
vzctl : Can not dump Container: Invalid argument
vzctl : Error: d_path is invisible /var/named/run-root/proc
vzctl : Checkpointing of Container failed
vzctl failed, exitcode=16
can not dump CT#246101 : vzctl failed, exitcode=16
This CT can’t be migrated online at the moment. Try offline migration.
can not stop/umount CT#246101 : vzctl failed, exitcode=16
Can’t move/copy CT#246101 -> CT#246101, [], [] : can not stop/umount CT#246101 : vzctl failed, exitcode=16
Resuming CT#246101 …
OfflineManagement CT#246101 …
[root@hn5 ~]# uname -a
Linux hn5.kaosredes.com 2.6.18-028stab053.17 #1 SMP Mon Jun 9 20:42:43 MSD 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl suspend 246101
Setup checkpoint …
Can not dump Container: Invalid argument
Error: d_path is invisible /var/named/run-root/proc
Checkpointing of Container failed
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl enter 246101
entered into Container 246101
-bash-3.2# df -h
S.ficheros Tamaño Usado Disp Uso% Montado en
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /
none 3,0G 4,0K 3,0G 1% /dev
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /var/named/run-root/var/run/dbus
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /var/named/run-root/var/run/dbus
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /var/named/run-root/var/run/dbus
-bash-3.2# exit
exited from Container 246101
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl restart 246101
Restart Container
Stopping Container …
Container was stopped
Container is unmounted
Starting Container …
Container is mounted
Setup slm memory limit
Setup slm subgroup (default)
Setting devperms 20002 dev 0x7d00
Setup ioprio: 4
Adding port redirection to Container(1): 4643 8443
Adding IP address(es) to pool:
Adding IP address(es): xxxxxxxxxx
Hostname for Container set: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
File resolv.conf was modified
Container start in progress…
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl suspend 246101
Setup checkpoint …
Container is unmounted
Checkpointing completed succesfully
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl resume 246101
Starting Container …
Container is mounted
Setup slm memory limit
Setup slm subgroup (default)
Set cpus: 1
Setup ioprio: 4
Adding port redirection to Container(1): 4643 8443
Adding IP address(es) to pool:
Adding IP address(es): xxxxxxx
Container start in progress…
[root@hn5 ~]# vzctl enter 246101
entered into Container 246101
-bash-3.2# df -h
S.ficheros Tamaño Usado Disp Uso% Montado en
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /
none 3,0G 4,0K 3,0G 1% /dev
vzfs 10G 2,1G 8,0G 21% /var/named/run-root/var/run/dbus
-bash-3.2# exit